A Movie for All Ages...
When it comes to Walt Disney we think about tons of movies that have touched our hearts; Cartoon characters like Micky and Donald, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Snow White, and movies like The Pirates of the Caribbean, The Muppets, Brave, Cars: Series, Tangled, Prince of Persia, The Toy Story: Series, and many more, the list goes on.
Cinderella is just one of the many gems of Walt Disney. This is not the first time that they have come out with the Cinderella concept, and I'm sure this will not be the last. Its an evergreen story. The first Cinderella was bought out in the year 1950 and was in the animated form.
Whether its the 1st or the Nth, the concept of the Wicked Step-Mother, the Fairy God-Mother, Pumpkin turning to a Chariot, Mice turning to White Horses, losing of Shoe and Cinderella meeting the Prince at the end will never change.
Its always nice when you are with your loved ones, especially children to see this wonderful fairy-tale. I'm sure you'd love it as much as we did :)
Let me know how you felt about it...